Piotr Grzebyk:
Legal position of trade unions in Polish Collective Labour Law: enterprise-based trade union.
The main aim of this paper is to sketch out the current legal framework within which trade unions operate in Poland. Position of unions, their strength, and their
capacity to shape the socio-economic environment depend on many circumstances.
Halmos Szilvia:
Requirement of reasonable accommodation under Hungarian employment law
An old debt of the Hungarian legislator was met, when the Article 75, paragraph (3) of Act CXCIX of 2011 on Civil Servants of Public Services (hereinafter: CSPS Act)
on 1 March 2012, as well as the Article 51, paragraph 5 of the Act I of 2012 on the Labour Code (hereinafter: LC) on 1 July 2012 entered into force.
Dr. Nikolett Hős:
The role of general principles and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights in the case law of the European Court of Justice in relation to age discrimination
The Mangold judgement was the first case on age discrimination in the case law of the Court of Justice in 2005. The Court ruled in this case that 'the principle of
anti-discrimination on grounds of age is a general principle of EU law'. Non-discrimination on grounds of age is one of the most dynamic fields of application under
Directive 2000/78/EC ever since then.
Attila Kun:
Work accident compensation in Hungarian labour law - liability rules and compensation
The legislative framework for compensating work injuries varies tremendously from country to country. However, it is a general feature of various national systems
that they represent a complex field of jurisprudence, possibly including, among others, labour law, tort law (civil law), social security law, administrative law,
health and safety.
Tamás Gyulavári:
A bridge too far?
The Hungarian regulation of economically dependent work
Hungarian employment regulation has traditionally been divided legal relationships aimed at employment to two clusters, employment relationships on the one hand,
and civil law relationships on the other hand. First of all the study will review the reasons, development and peculiarities of this binary system.
Jeremias Prassl:
'All in this together?'
UK Labour Market Reforms under the Coalition Government
Writing in a comparative work on the impact of the Global Financial Crisis on Labour Law in the United Kingdom several years ago, Nicola Countouris, Mark Freedland and I noted
that neither the impact of the financial crisis nor the formation of a coalition government following the general election in May 2010 had led to drastic changes in employment law.